Monday, March 11, 2013

Medium Specificity

There are many things in our world that add credibility to the notion that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I feel that this is particularly true with Film. When treated with care, film may be the culmination of all art mediums. After reflecting on the medium-aware films of Stan Brakhage and Maya Deren, I have concluded that the following is what I consider to be the medium specifics of film: firstly the capturing of motion through recording light, and secondly, the ability to manipulate time by use of 'cutting' and editing. I created this short piece to give a nod to film's technological parent - photography, as well as the ancestor of all light recording: the camera obscura. All three of these technologies are included in my film. The camera is used to direct and focus the light inside of a camera obscura, and my digital camera records the motion. It is edited together emphasizing the ability to manipulate time. Music and sounds have been included to help further the notion that film is particularly adept in enveloping other mediums.

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