Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Protest Poster

My poster addresses what I have found to be a very odd part of the contemporary American experience. I don't feel that I am isolated in the experience of forgetting that our country is in the middle of a war. It seems the only time I hear about it is when a politician is promising to tone it down and roll back the thousands of US Soldiers. On any news network the war seems to be largely forgotten. I find it very strange that American involvement in past wars occupies much of our history classes, yet when we are living through a war we are encouraged not to think about it.
My poster emphasizes the role of media in making the American occupation of Afghanistan a reality for Americans and the message that these media organizations are sending through their silence. It is a dangerous message to be sending, especially when one considers the risks of 'a single story' discussed by Chimanda Adichie in her Ted  Talk address.
I enjoyed the protest art of Alexandra Clotfelter, and felt that her pieces were extremely well aesthetically designed, whilst being quite functional. My experience of posting this to Facebook was mild. It received few comments, most being humorous. I was able to witness my co-workers reactions, who glanced at it, asked me if it was serious, then continued scrolling through their feeds.

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