Monday, March 18, 2013

Webspinna: Retrospect

The webspinna experience is a culmination of a wide spectrum of prior texts. It is serendipity mixed with perhaps a small amount of resourcefulness. It isn't an isolated moment, but is rather a pervasive experience. The resulting remixes, though focussed by interest, were distilled through many years of engaging with the internet. I found that as I began engaging with the internet, not for mere consumption or research, but as a mine with maleable material, the internet became much more of a living environment. I've always thought of the internet as being an organism of sorts. However, by using it for a live performance, it felt more of a living and moving repository, much more like a community of individuals with voices, than a library of knowledge I've usually associated with it. The communal aspect of sharing our internet remixes with our peers was revealing. It exposed our engagement with internet media, and its influence on us. The Webspinna became engaging when we as an audience were aware of the origins of the sounds and the juxtaposition of these familiar items with the obscure and unexpected. The experience promoted conversation with peers that explored our aspirations and vulnerabilities as artist and creators of media.

My particular remix was comprised with voices of artists and writers that have been large influences in my life. Additionally it featured sounds from other artists who have been influenced by people of interest to me. For instance it featured music and performances inspired by H.G. Wells, and Stanley Kubrick. There was a nuance that emerged when I juxtaposed these sounds. It was a collection of contemporary artists engaging with artists from generations past.

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